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Michel Trommetter

C’est avec une profonde tristesse que nous vous informons du décès de notre collègue Michel Trommetter, survenu le 3 janvier 2025.
Michel a été l’un des membres fondateurs de GAEL, laboratoire qu'il n'avait pas quitté depuis.
Expert reconnu des questions relatives à la biodiversité, il représentait INRAE dans de nombreuses instances scientifiques internationales. C’était un collègue très motivé par la recherche et par l'intérêt collectif, courageux et d’une grande bienveillance.
En ces moments particulièrement difficiles, nous pensons à Agnès, notre ancienne collègue et à Guillaume leur fils. Nos pensées vont également vers tous ceux qui ont eu l'occasion de travailler à ses côtés et à qui Michel va manquer.

Message du Département EcoSocio

Directeur de recherche INRAE



Scopus Webpage

Toutes les publications


2007 -           Research Director INRAE  at GAEL (Grenoble Applied Economics Laboratory),  France.

2007-2019   Senior Lecturer at Sciences Po, Law School, Paris, France.

2011-2016    Director of the Doctoral School of Economic Sciences: ComUE (“Communauté d’Universités ou d’Etablissements”) "Université Grenoble Alpes - UGA".

2014-2015:   Member of the Provisional Executive Board of the “Human and Social Sciences. Division” of ComUE at “Université Grenoble Alpes - UGA".

2004-2014:   Associate Researcher at École Polytechnique –Economics Dpt- Paris, France.

Administration of public/private research

• Review Editor of the methodological assessment of the impact and dependence of business on biodiversity and nature's contributions to people (business and biodiversity assessment)". Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES : United Nation for Environmental Program) (2023-  ).

• Representing the INRAe in a PEER (Partnership for European Environmental Research) working group on "biodiversity and trade", European Commission (2023-…).

• French representative for the Convention between IUCN and the European Commission on the project to study the socio-economic and climate impacts and financing needs of ecological restoration, including biodiversity (2024, …).

• Member of the French National Biodiversity Organisation Working Group on: ‘Economy and Biodiversity: French National Biodiversity Office (2024-…).

• INRAE representative to the UGA (Grenoble Alps University) of the Vice Presidency for International Relations (2022-...) with Thierry Faug.

• Representative of the GAEL Laboratory (INRAe) on the Scientific Advisory Board of the SFR INNOVACS (“Innovation, Knowledge, Society”), UGA.

• Member of the Biodiversity and UGA Working Group (2022 but with marginal input).

• Member of the "Renards" (foxes) Working Group, at the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), France, 2022-2023.

• Expert for the analysis of the leverage potential of measures for the National strategy for biodiversity, coordinated by the FRB (French Foundation for Biodiversity Research) at the request of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, May 2022.

• Expert for the Economic Council for Sustainable Development: (Conseil Économique pour le Développement Durable – CEDD) (2015- ...) - Appointed by the Minister of Ecology.

• Member of the Scientific Council of the AgroParisTech Chair of Environmental Accounting (2019-...).

• Member of the scientific committee of the partnership between UNESCO and LVMH© on biodiversity issues (2019- ...).

• Co-Chairman of the working group on biodiversity and business strategy (2010 - 2022) within the framework of ORÉE association (Business, Territory and Environment): NGO. And now a member as a Qualified Person (2022-...).

• Member of the scientific committee of “CDC Biodiversité” (subsidiary of the “Caisse des Dépôts et des Consignations”) (2008-...).

Toutes les publications

Publié le 28 septembre 2023

Mis à jour le 10 février 2025