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Directeur de recherche INRAEE-mail : michel.trommetterinrae.fr (michel[dot]trommetter[at]inrae[dot]fr) |
2007 - Research Director INRAE at GAEL (Grenoble Applied Economics Laboratory), France.
2007-2019 Senior Lecturer at Sciences Po, Law School, Paris, France.
2011-2016 Director of the Doctoral School of Economic Sciences: ComUE (“Communauté d’Universités ou d’Etablissements”) "Université Grenoble Alpes - UGA".
2014-2015: Member of the Provisional Executive Board of the “Human and Social Sciences. Division” of ComUE at “Université Grenoble Alpes - UGA".
2004-2014: Associate Researcher at École Polytechnique –Economics Dpt- Paris, France.
Public / private research administration since 2014
* Review editor of the methodological assessment of the impact and dependence of business on biodiversity and nature's contributions to people (business and biodiversity assessment).” Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES : United Nation for Environmental Program) (2023- )
* Member of the IPBES expert group (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, UNEP –United Nation for Environmental Program) (2021-…): “Scoping of a methodological assessment of business and biodiversity”.
* Member of the "Renards" (foxes) Working Group, at the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), France, 2022-2023.
* Member of the Economic Council for Sustainable Development: (Conseil Économique pour le Développement Durable – CEDD) (2015- ...) - Appointed by the Minister of Ecology. Publication in the “Journal Officiel”, 24, June 2015
* Expert for the Commission on Ecological Taxation (2012-2014) led by the Ministry of Ecology and the Ministry of Finance. In this commission, I was in charge of questions about water and biodiversity taxation.
* Member of the Scientific Council of the AgroParisTech Chair of Environmental Accounting (2019-...).
* Appointed member to the Scientific Council of the National Museum of Natural History (2007-2015). Appointed member, in 2007, on the proposal of the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development and reappointed in 2012, Paris, France.
* Member of the scientific committee of the partnership between UNESCO and LVMH© on biodiversity issues (2019- ...).
* In charge of monitoring (economic, social and ecological aspects) the implementation of beehives in developing countries (training and monitoring) with Guerlain©: first plots of land in Africa and Asia.
* Co-Chairman of the working group on biodiversity and business strategy (2010 - ...) within the framework of ORÉE association (Business, Territory and Environment): NGO.
* Member of the scientific committee of “CDC Biodiversité” (subsidiary of the “Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations”) (2008-...). This CDC subsidiary helps for example companies to manage their ecological compensation obligation (Mitigation Banking).
Expertise with international institutions
* Member of the Steering Committee of the French delegation for the Convention on Biological Diversity: (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) at COP 2006.
* Qualified as a participant to the Convention on Biological Diversity as an NGO (ORÉE association) at the COP of 2010 in Nagoya, Japan (Side Event: "Business and Biodiversity").
* Expert for the "United Nation Special Reporter" on the right to food (2009). I wrote a contribution on: "Intellectual property right, International treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture and the stakes for food and nutrition security".
* Expert for the OECD's: International Futures Programme “The Bioeconomy to 2030: Designing a Policy Agenda” (2007-2008). Author of a report on "Intellectual property right in agricultural and agro-food biotechnologies at horizon 2030" and a synthesis with Richard Gold and Matthew Herder on "The Role of Biotechnology Intellectual Property Rights in the Bioeconomy of 2030".
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