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Actualités, Atelier

Le 9 juin 2023

External validity of Risk Elicitation.

                         External validity of Risk Elicitation
29 et 30 juin 2023 - Grenoble INP, Site Viallet


Les 29 et 30 juin 2023 le laboratoire GAEL organise le wokshop External validity of Risk Elicitation, mené dans le cadre de l'ANR RETRISK, Repenser les tâches d'élicitation du risque.

Dix chercheurs internationaux animeront le workshop :

Jonathan Chapman – University of Bologna, Italy
autheur of The DOSE method, and active in eliciting Loss Aversion from large, representative populations

Thomas Epper – IESEG Lille, France
senior researcher on the elicitation of risk and time preferences

Eyal Ert – Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel
senior researcher at the crossroads of economics and psychology, active in the “decision from experience” paradigm in risk elicitation

Antonio Filippin – University of Milan, Italy
author of the “Bomb Risk Elicitation Task” and senior researcher on risk elicitation

Matteo Galizzi – LSE London, UK
working in both applied health economics and the external validity of behavioral findings

Duncan James – Fordham University, New York, USA
author of “Risky curves”, a seminal book on the empirical failure of the EUT-derived measures of risk attitudes

Daniel Navarro Martinez – Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
senior researcher working on the external validity of social and risk preferences

Matthias Stefan – University of Innsbruck, Austria
author of “The Risk Elicitation Puzzle revisited” about the correlation, or lack thereof, among risk elicitation tasks

Ferdinand Vieider – Ghent University, Belgium
author of large studies of loss aversion around the world and recently of a meta-anaysis of empirical estimates of loss aversion

Xinghua Wang – Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China
applying the daily reconstruction method and other techniques from psychology to tackle measurement error​


Contact : (paolo[dot]crosetto[at]inrae[dot]fr)


Le 9 juin 2023

Publié le 9 novembre 2023

Mis à jour le 9 novembre 2023