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Séminaire interne doctorants GAEL

Actualités, Séminaire

Le 22 novembre 2018

 Rim REJEB présentera "Changing modes of transport and public policy levers"

Résumé :
We will try to better understand the determinants of the choice of modes of transport through integrating psychological/behavioral theories in discrete choice models. We will focus mainly on three understudied latent variables, which are health concern, habits and social influence. Using data from a stated preferences survey, we will assess how these variables influence the transportation choice and how they could be implemented as policy levers encouraging active and ecofriendly modes of transport.

► Paul BETTEGA présentera "Un premier modèle d'interaction stratégique en présence de tentation".
Discutant : Christophe BRAVARD

Résumé :
L'objectif ici est de proposer un développement du modèle de multiple-self de Fudenberg et Levine qui permette d'étudier les situations ou deux individus composer de deux self doivent participer à un bien commun.  
Ce modèle a pour premier objectif de poser les fondations permettant d'étendre le modèle de multiple-self aux situations d'interactions stratégiques.

► Guillaume BOURGEOIS présentera "Technological pattern of knowledge spillovers from and toward wind and solar innovations: a dynamic social network analysis".
Discutant: Carole TREIBICH

Résumé :
Knowledge spillovers play a crucial role in technological transition and innovation. However, the issue of knowledge spillovers between innovation in renewable energies and innovation in other sectors has been little addressed in the previous literature.
This paper investigates dynamically the technological pattern of knowledge spillovers from and toward wind and solar PV EPO patents and formulates some public policies recommendations. From the PATSTAT database, we retrieve backward and forward citations of solar PV and wind patents to measure spillovers.
Then we create networks of co-occurrence of technological fields within these citations to identify key technologies within spillovers.
The results show that i) a large part of spillovers is inter-technological spillovers, ii) While innovations in transport, plastic and mechanical engineering seem to be crucial for wind innovation, innovations in optic, coating, materials fields are key for solar PV technological development.


Le 22 novembre 2018
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BATEG - salle EG01

Publié le 7 novembre 2023

Mis à jour le 7 novembre 2023