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Luca Lambertini, professeur d'économie à l'université de Bologne


Le 5 novembre 2020

Managing the tragedy of commons and global warming: a unified view

Séminaire annulé et reporté à une date ultérieure

Luca Lambertini, professeur d'économie à l'université de Bologne animera le séminaire du jeudi 5 novembre 2020 à 14 heures et présentera le papier : Managing the tragedy of commons and global warming: a unified view.


We address the issue of regulating both polluting emissions through a generic tax and access to a common resource pool in a dynamic oligopoly game. Our analysis shows that once industry structure is regulated so as to induce the industry to harvest the resource in correspondence of the maximum sustainable yield, social welfare is either independent or decreasing in the tax if firms do not invest in abatement technologies, while if they do the policy maker may increase the tax to foster both individual and aggregate green R&D for abatement technologies, ideally up to the level at which emissions and the associated environmental damage are nil. We extend the analysis to monopolistic competition, to show that qualitatively analogous conclusions obtain.

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Le 5 novembre 2020
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Publié le 9 octobre 2023

Mis à jour le 9 octobre 2023