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Gloria Gennaro, Maître de conférence, University College London


Le 15 février 2024


Le séminaire du 15 février 2024 a lieu à 11 heures et est animé par Gloria Gennaro, Maître de conférences en Politique publique et Science des données au Département de Sciences politiques de l'University College London.

Thèmes de recherche :

  • Économie politique
  • Politique comparée
  • Sciences sociales computationnelles


Titre de sa présentation : Televised Debates and Emotional Appeals in Politics: Evidence from C-SPAN.

Résumé : We study the effect of televised broadcasts of floor debates on the rhetoric and behavior of U.S. Congress Members. First, we show in a differences-in-differences analysis that the introduction of C-SPAN broadcasts in 1979 increased the use of emotional appeals in the House relative to the Senate, where televised floor debates were not introduced until later. Second, we use exogenous variation in C-SPAN channel positioning as an instrument for C-SPAN viewership by Congressional district and show that House Members from districts with exogenously higher C-SPAN viewership are more emotive in floor debates. Contra accountability models of transparency, C-SPAN has no effect on measures of legislative effort on behalf of constituents, and if anything it reduces a politician’s constituency orientation. We find that local news coverage – that is, mediated rather than direct transparency – has the opposite effect of C-SPAN,
increasing legislative effort but with no effect on emotional rhetoric. Looking to electoral pressures as a mechanism, we find the emotionality effect of C-SPAN is strongest in competitive districts. Finally, C-SPAN exposure increases the vote share for incumbent Congress Members, and more so among those who speak more emotionally. These results highlight the importance of audience and mediation in the political impacts of higher transparency.

Attention ! Le séminaire a lieu à 11h00 en salle 227.


Le 15 février 2024
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Complément lieu

Salle 227

Publié le 16 avril 2024

Mis à jour le 16 avril 2024