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Giorgio Fabbri


Le 6 avril 2017

Some results on endogenous spatial growth models

Résumé: A series of pretty recent works have merged the spatial dimension with benchmark growth theory models using a “diffusion hypothesis” coming from classical geographical economy. In this context Boucekkine et al. (2013) are the first who completely solve a spatial endogenous growth model. They study an AK economy on a circle and the prove that, under certain condition, the detrended capital across locations converges to a constant.
In this talk we will describe some generalizations of their results. We look at a generic geographical structure. We show that the
morphology interacts with the spatial dynamics of the capital and is one of the determinants of the qualitative behavior of the economy,
notably in terms of convergence/divergence. We look at a spatially heterogeneous distributed technological level A(·) and a spatial heterogeneous distributed population and at their effects on the limit detrended distribution of capital We look at the effects of varying altruism in the social welfare functional.

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Le 6 avril 2017
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salle EG05, BATEG

Publié le 16 octobre 2023

Mis à jour le 16 octobre 2023