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Brandon McFadden, professeur d'Economie à l'Université de l'Arkansas


Le 30 mars 2023

Knowledge Gaps about Micronutrient Deficiencies in Tanzania and the Effect of Information Interventions

en présentiel

Brandon McFadden, actuellement en visite scientifique au GAEL, animera le séminaire du jeudi 30 mars 2023.

Brandon McFadden est professeur et titulaire de la chaire Tyson en Economie de la Politique alimentaire, au département de l'Economie agricole et de l'Agroalimentaire à l'Université de l'Arkansas.

Ses recherches portent principalement sur Food ChoicePerceptions of Food and Asymmetric Information.

Titre du seminaire :  

Knowledge Gaps about Micronutrient Deficiencies in Tanzania and the Effect of Information Interventions


Reducing micronutrient malnutrition (“hidden hunger”) in low-income countries is a global challenge, particularly among women, children, and high-poverty households. Countries like Tanzania have developed diverse strategies to combat malnutrition, including the biofortification of staple foods. However, broad awareness and knowledge of micronutrient deficiencies and beneficial foods are needed for these strategies to be effective. The objectives of this study were to (i) examine Tanzanian consumers’ initial awareness and knowledge of deficiencies for four micronutrients and associated biofortified foods, and (ii) to examine the effectiveness of targeted communication approaches (i.e., information and branding) to improve knowledge. Data were collected from 1,029 respondents in Tanzania using an online survey. Respondents were randomly assigned to treatments across two experiments in the survey. One experiment examined the effect of information about susceptibility and severity of micronutrient deficiencies and foods that reduce the risk of deficiency. The other experiment examined the impact of ‘branding’ biofortified foods. The combination of providing information and branded biofortified crops most effectively reduced knowledge gaps about negative health outcomes and risk-reducing foods. Results suggest a need for evidence-based interventions that provide broad nutrition education and financial assistance for purchasing food.

Le séminaire a lieu à 13h30 en la salle 207.


Le 30 mars 2023
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Salle 207

Publié le 9 octobre 2023

Mis à jour le 9 octobre 2023