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Eugen Dimant
On June 25, 2020
Observability, Social Proximity, and the Erosion of Norm Compliance
Germain Gaudin
On June 11, 2020
Input Price Discrimination, Demand Forms, and Welfare
Pascale Bazoche
On March 26, 2020
Valorisation par les seniors de produits ciblés sur leurs besoins nutritionnels : une approche expérimentale
Nicolas Jacquemet
On March 19, 2020
Discrete Choice under Oaths
Axel Gautier
On March 12, 2020
Competition between integrated incumbents and a platform
Valerio Sterzi
On February 20, 2020
NPEs, Market for Patents and Follow-on Innovation. Evidence from Patent Transfers at the USPTO
Olga Garanina
On February 18, 2020
Enjeux de la transition énergétique en Russie : quels impacts pour le secteur des hydrocarbures ?
Marilda Rosado
On February 14, 2020
La règlementation des investissements étrangers et la gouvernance globale
Jean-Jacques Herings
On February 6, 2020
Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players
Penelope Buckley
On February 4, 2020
Preferences for hydrogen technologies in stationary applications in the home: A choice experiment
Charlotte Vailles, I4CE
On January 30, 2020
le système de permis d'émission européen (EU-ETS) dans le contexte de l'Accord de Paris
Nahed Eddai
On January 28, 2020
Protocole expérimental sur l'ambiguïté
Christian Gollier, Toulouse School of Economics
On January 23, 2020
The cost-efficiency carbon pricing puzzle
Séminaire doctorants GAEL
On January 16, 2020
trois thèses seront présentées
Paolo Crosetto
On January 14, 2020
Fast then slow: a choice-process explanation for the attraction effect
Simon Gächter
On December 19, 2019
The Behavioral Logic of Rule Following and Social Norm Compliance" (joint with Lucas Molleman and Daniele Nosenzo)
Marie-Claire Villeval
On December 19, 2019
Teaching Norms in the Street (joint with Thijs Brouwer et Fabio Galeotti)
Kemal Ozbek
On December 6, 2019
Emmanuel Lorenzon
On November 28, 2019
Collusion with a rent-seeking agency in sponsored search auctions
Séminaire annuel des doctorants en Economie de l'Energie
On November 21, 2019
Association française des économistes de l'énergie (FAEE)
Jérémy Lucchetti
On November 21, 2019
Large land deals and conflicts in Africa
Arnaud Buchs
On November 14, 2019
Can Social Ecological Economics of Water Reinforce the “Big Tent”?
Roberto Galbiati
On November 7, 2019
When in Rome... on local norms and sentencing decisions
Séminaire interne de Paul Bettega
On October 17, 2019
Séminaire interne de Paul Bettega
On October 17, 2019
Pietro Dindo
On October 10, 2019
Learning New Models from Prices (joint with Filippo Massari)
Julie Subervie
On September 26, 2019
Improving farm environmental performance through technical assistance: empirical evidence on pesticide use
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