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2025-01 Complementarity in household expenditures on fixed and mobile Internet in France
par Aubouin M. & Melindi-Ghidi P. & Nicolaï J.P.
2024-05 Harnessing social information to improve public support for Pigouvian taxes
par Dupoux M. & Ouvrard B.
2024-04 Growth models with externalities on networks
par Fabbri G. & Faggian S. & Freni G.
2024-03 On competition for spatially distributed ressources in networks
par Fabbri G. & Faggian S. & Freni G.
2024-02 Renewable energy support: pre-announced policies and (in)-efficiency
par Neerunjun N. & Stahn H.
2024-01 Label or taxes: why not both? Testing nutritional mixed policies in the lab par Crosetto, P. & Muller, L. & Ruffieux, B.
2023-06 Social Learning for the Green Transition Evidence from a Pesticide Reduction Policy
par Deperrois, R. & Fadhuile, A. & Subervie, J.
2023-05 Hard vs. soft commitments: Experimental evidence from a sample of French gamblers
par Bettega, P. & Crosetto, P. & Dubois, D. & Romaniuc, R.
2023-04 Coordination séquentielle des investissements dans la production d'électricité et dans le réseau électrique : le rôle des incitations renouvelables
par Khalfallah, H. & Sagnon, B.
2023-03 The Economics of Royalty Rates in Plant Breeding
par Hervouet, A. & Lemarié, S.
2023-02 Les déterminants de l’acceptabilité sociale des ZFE en France : le cas de la future ZFE de Grenoble
par Rejeb, R. & Bouscasse, H. & Mathy, S. & Treibich, C.
2023-01 Intrinsic motivation to promote the development of renewable energy: a field experiment from household demand
par Fadhuile, A. & Llerena, D. & Roussillon, B.
2022-05 Conditioning public pensions on health: effects on capital accumulation and welfare
par Fabbri, G. & Leroux, M. & Melindi-Ghidi, P. & Sas, W.
2022-04 Egoism and altruism in Intergroup conflict
par Varaine, S. & Magni-Berton, R. & Benslimane, I. & Crosetto, P.
2022-03 Mobility decisions, economic dynamics and epidemic
par Fabbri, G. & Federico, S. & Fiaschi, D. & Gozzi, F.
2022-02 Spreading active transportation: peer effects and key players in the workplace
par Lambotte, M. & Mathy, S. & Risch, A. & Treibich, C.
2022-01 Comparing input interfaces to elicit belief distributions
par Crosetto, P. & De Haan, T.
2021-04 A dynamic theory of spatial externalities
par Boucekkine, R. & Fabbri, G. & Federico, S. & Gozzi, F.
2021-03 Strategic information transmission with sender's approval: the single-crossing case
par Sémirat, S. & Forges, F.
2021-02 Gain and loss framing to encourage effort provision: An experiment
par Buckley, P. & Roussillon, B. & Teyssier, S.
2021-01 Demand Response in the workplace: a filed experiment
par Llerena, D. & Roussillon, B. & Teyssier, S. & Buckley, P. & Delinchant, B. & Ferrari, J. & Larenjeira, T. & Wurtz, F
2020-13 Strategic use of environmental innovation in vertical chains and regulatory attitudes
par Mabrouk, R. & Kurtyka, O.
2020-12 Exploration of model performances in the presence of heterogeneous preferences and random effects utilities awareness
par Gusarov, N. & Talebijmalabad, A. & Joly, I.
2020-11 Prevention and mitigation of epidemics:Biodiversity conservation and confinement policies
par Augeraud-Véron, E. & Fabbri, G. & Schubert, K.
2020-10 Financial market equilibrium with bounded awareness
par Guerdjikova, A. & Quiggin, J.
2020-09 What are you calling intuitive? Subject heterogeneity as a driver of response times in an impunity game
par Crosetto, P. & Güth, W.
2020-08 From firm to global-level pollution control: The case of transboundary pollution
par Boucekkine, R. & Fabbri, G. & Federico, S. & Gozzi, F.
2020-07 Public-private R&D partnerships: A solution to increase knowledge sharing in R&D cooperation
par Hervouet, A. & Trommetter, M.
2020-06 Intellectual property reform in the laboratory
par Benslimane, I. & Crosetto, P. & Magni-Berton, R. & Varaine, S.
2020-05 Using environmental knowledge brokers to promote deep green agri-environment measures
par Melindi-Ghidi, P. & Dedeurwaerdere, T. & Fabbri, G.
2020-04 Une lecture institutionnaliste de la réforme du secteur gazier russe
par Locatelli, C.
2020-03 Evaluating the impact of public policies on large firms: a synthetic control approach to science-industry transfer policies
par Autant-Bernard, C. & Fotso, R. & Massard, N.
2020-02 Control theory in infinite dimension for the optimal location of economic activity: The role of social welfare function.
par Boucekkine, R., Fabbri, G., Federico, S., Gozzi, F.
2020-01 Shopper’s behavioural responses to ‘front-of-pack’ nutrition logo formats: GDA Diet-Logo vs. 6 alternative Choice-Logos
par Muller, L. & Ruffieux, B.
An economic assessment of the residential PV self-consumption support under different network tariffs. Chaire Economie du Climat, Paris Dauphine
par Rebenaque, O.
When Influencers Compete on Social Networks. SSRN Working Papers, February 2020. ⟨hal-03162318⟩
par Christophe Bravard, Jacques Durieu, Sudipta Sarangi, Corinne Touati.
2019-05 Attacking the weak or the strong? An experiment on the targets of parochial altruism
par Varaine, S. & Benslimane, I. & Magni-Berton, R. & Crosetto, P.
2019-04 Central tendency bias in belief elicitation
par Crosetto, P. & Filippin, A. & Katuscak, P. & Smith, J.
2019-03 Animate the cluster or subsidize collaborative R&D? A multiple overlapping treatments approach to assess the impact of the French cluster policy
par Mar, M. & Massard, N.
2019-02 Interdépendance complexe et hybridation des modèles institutionnels nationaux : le cas des relations énergétique UE-Russie
par Locatelli, C. & Abbas, M.
2019-01 Market selection with differential financial constraints
par Guerdjikova, A. & Quiggin, J.
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