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Silvana Mima


Research Engineer CNRS

Email: (silvana[dot]mima[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Phone: +33 4 76 74 29 70

Office: 214 (BATEG)



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Expertises and Activities

Research engineer participating for several years in all energy-climate modeling and forecasting work at the IEPE, then at LEPII, at PACTE, and at GAEL energy axis since January 2016. These works concern the development of the POLES model in different directions: the simulation of the long-term energy system, the conduct of a large number of studies, and the economic analysis of policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

These studies cover the instrumental dimension of climate policies (CO2 value and emission permits), the evaluation of international costs, the impact on technological dynamics, the impact on international energy markets. They were carried out particularly in the framework of European projects 5th, 6th and 7th PCRD and used by different administrations in France or at the European Commission.


Recent projects

- 2013-2017 : Advanced Model Development and Validation for Improved Analysis of Costs and Impacts of Mitigation Policies-ADVANCE », Grant agreement no : 308329

- 2014-2017 : The costs of climate change for the European energy system, an assessment with the POLES model-ISI-MIP

- 2016 : Modelisation des besoins en eau des centrales électriques des pays europeen par technologie de refroidissement

- 2016 : Modelisation des besoins et de la production du cement sous la contrainte climatique

- 2016 : NEEDS – Nucléaire, Energie, Environnement, Déchets et Société, Inter PF project


All publications

Submitted on December 11, 2023

Updated on December 11, 2023