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Sandrine Mathy


Senior Researcher (2nd Class), CNRS

Environmental and Energy Economics

Email: (sandrine[dot]mathy[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Phone: +33 4 76 74 29 69

Office: 202 (BATEG)

CV (french)

All publications


Research interests and areas

Environmental Economics, Energy Economics, Environment-Energy-Economy Modelling, Climate and Air Pollution Reduction Policies (design, evaluation, co-benefits, social justice), International Negotiations on Climate Change, Synergies between Climate and Development Policies, Energy Prospective, Mobility Behaviour, Electrification in Developing Countries

Strong involvement in interdisciplinarity

Professional responsibilities

Leader of the GAEL energy axis 2015-23

Member of the Economic Commission for Sustainable Development - ECSD (under the aegis of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy, Climate, Transport and Housing), 2021-24

Member of the operational committee of the Grenoble Citizens' Climate Convention, 2021

Member of the scientific council of Grenoble European Green Capital 2022 (since 2020)

Coordination for the CNRS of the governmental review of the IPCC group 3 report, 2021

Professional experience

  • 2018 : Senior researcher (DR2 CNRS) GAEL
  • 2016 : HDR (Habilitation) in Environmental Economics (French post-doctoral degree allowing its holder to supervise PhD students) at the University of Grenoble.
  • From 2013 : Scientist researcher GAEL (Grenoble Applied Economics Laboratory), Head of the Environment and Energy department (since 2015, Head of the Environment and Energy Department of GAEL)
  • 2004-2013 : Scientist researcher CIRED (International Research Center on Environment and Development)
  • From 2005 : Researcher (ChargĂ©e de Recherche, competitive permanent position), CNRS (French National Scientific Research Center)
  • 1999-2004 : Doctoral candidate in Environmental Economics, directed by J.C. Hourcade. PhD Thesis on "the integration of developing countries in climate policies"


Sandrine Mathy coordinates the interdisciplinary project MobilAir

Urban air pollution is a major public health issue in both northern and southern countries. Mobil'Air, with its fundamentally interdisciplinary approach, aims to identify precise measures that will significantly reduce urban air pollution and its impacts. Drawing on the multidisciplinary wealth of the Grenoble campus, Mobil'Air will develop an integrated approach in the Grenoble urban area, a relevant pilot zone. Mobil'Air is intended to develop methods and tools that can be replicated in other cities in France and abroad.

MobilAir is financed by the Idex Université Grenoble Alpes in the framework of the Cross Disciplinary Programs.


The fourth edition of the summer school "Around the 2°C" took place in June 2023

Theme: climate change and health

Since 2017, the "Autour du 2°C" summer school has been held, dedicated to the challenges of interdisciplinary research and training pathways on climate change.

The fourth edition was held from June 5 to 9, 2023 in Autrans (38) near Grenoble in the Massif du Vercors. The school is strongly supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE), the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), the Institut Pierre et Simon Laplace (IPSL), the Institut pour la Recherche en Santé Publique (IRESP) and the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA).

Each year, the summer school brings together a broad scientific community, welcoming around 60 participants - PhD students, post-docs, researchers or teacher-researchers, and other non-academic participants, e.g. from ministries, associations, local authorities or other public bodies - who, for one week, took part in a process of collective exploration to structure interdisciplinary projects on climate change.

The school also gave rise to very interesting discussions and debates on the positioning of the researcher in relation to the object of research and the societal and planetary issue of climate change or even on the place of interdisciplinarity in the professional career of a researcher. These meetings allow for exchanges and the initiation of collaborative projects.


All publications

Submitted on December 11, 2023

Updated on February 9, 2024