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Oana Ionescu


Assistant Professor

Grenoble INP, Graduate schools of Engineering and Management - UGA

Researcher GAEL et G2ELab

Email: (oana[dot]ionescu[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Phone: +33 4 76 74 29 52

Office: 222 (BATEG)

All publications


Her research interests relate to economic modeling in an uncertain future, taking into account the flexibility, time and irreversibility associated with complex decisions, more particularly in the fields of radioactive waste, the use of natural gas and the development of smart power grids.

Research interests

Energy and environmental economics, Energy policies and markets


Real options, energy investments


Financial energy markets, Economics of energy networks, Energy investments under uncertainty


Submitted on December 11, 2023

Updated on February 12, 2024