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Pietro Biroli
On June 29, 2016
Genetic and Economic Interaction in Health Formation: The Case of Obesity.
Yann Bramoullé : "Altruism in Networks"
On May 19, 2016
« Hiring Through Networks : Favor or Information ? »
Jeremy Foltz (Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin, USA)
On April 28, 2016
Scientist Productivity with Different Grant Incentives in US Agricultural Research
Alexia Gaudeul (Georg-August-Universität of Göttingen, Allemagne)
On April 6, 2016
Many a slip between the cup and the lip': The effects of default-based nudges on pro-social behavior and attitudes
Angelo Zago (Dipartimento di Scienze Economich, Verona, Italy)
On March 31, 2016
What's in a Name? Information, Heterogeneity, and Quality in a Theory of Nested Names
Margaret Kyle (Mines, ParisTech)
On March 24, 2016
Patent tickets in pharmaceuticals using data from the EU and US
Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet (CIRED)
On March 17, 2016
Double Moral Hazard and the Energy Efficiency Gap
Marc Baudry (Université Paris Ouest, Economix)
On February 18, 2016
Fixing the puzzle of patent value indicators
Mathieu Saujot (IDDRI, Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales)
On February 11, 2016
Enjeux de l'application des outils de modélisation urbaine pour le climat
Carolina O.C.Werle, Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM)
On February 4, 2016
Marketing Social et Alimentation Equilibrée : facteurs externes influençant la consommation alimentaire
Bronwyn Hall (Berkeley, USA)
On January 26, 2016
Technology Entry in the Presence of Patent Thickets
Klaus Grunert (Aarhus University, Danemark)
On January 7, 2016
Changes in consumer quality perception and implications for the agrifood sector
Hans Haller (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA)
On December 3, 2015
Network Vulnerability; Designer-Disruptor Games
Peter Lunn, (ESRI, Dublin)
On November 19, 2015
Valuing objects
Matthieu Waemere, avocat et Chercheur Associé au CERIC et Sandrine Mathy (Edden)
On November 10, 2015
La portée juridique de l’accord de Paris, options et conséquences
Youba Sokona (Coordinateur Groupe de travail #3 du GIEC)
On November 10, 2015
Pauvreté et développement, quelle place dans l'agenda des négociations climatique
Yannick Perez (Laboratoire de Génie Electrique et Electronique de Paris (GEEPs), Centrale Supelec, Université Paris-Sud)
On October 22, 2015
Evaluation du manque à gagner lié à la persistance de règles économiques inefficaces : le cas des véhicules électriques
Werner Guth (Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena, Germany)
On October 15, 2015
Procedural fairness
Thomas Sterner (Lead author groupe 3 du GIEC) et Patrick Criqui (Edden)
On October 14, 2015
Quel prix pour le carbone ?
Séminaire doctorants GAEL
From June 1, 0017 to June 1, 2017
Présentations de Sébastien Parenty, Nicolas Plain et Gabin Mantulet
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