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Kimon Keramidas soutient sa thèse

Actualités, Soutenance

On December 15, 2023

Pathways for the decarbonisation of hydrogen, steel and cement: a modelling-based approach integrating demand and production.

en présentiel + visio

Kimon Keramidas soutient sa thèse, publiquement, en anglais, le 15 décembre 2023 à 9h30, au Laboratoire GAEL, salle 227 :

Pathways for the decarbonisation of hydrogen, steel and cement: a modelling-based approach integrating demand and production.

Composition du jury :

  • Adrien BIDAUD, Professeur des Universités, Université Grenoble Alpes, Directeur de thèse
  • Valentina BOSETTI, Full Professor, Université Bocconi, Milan, Rapporteure
  • Stefan PAULIUK, Full Professor, Université de Freiburg, Rapporteur
  • Sandrine MATHY, directrice de recherche, CNRS Alpes, Examinatrice
  • Emmanuel HACHE, Associate Professor, IFP Energies Nouvelles, Examinateur
  • Luc Salvo, Professeur des Uninversités, Grenoble INP - PHELMA, Examinateur
  • Jean-Pierre BIRAT, Ingénieur, IF Steelman, Invité
  • Silvana MIMA, Ingénieure de recherche, Université Grenoble Alpes - UMR GAEL, CNRS, Co-encadrante de thèse

Résumé : Limiting climate change while also increasing quality of life and well-being in a sustainable manner poses multifaceted challenges. Global CO2 emissions should be reduced to net-zero by around 2050 while the demand of energy-intensive and CO2-intensive material goods is expected to increase.
This work focuses on hydrogen, steel and cement, whose combined production processes release more than half of the CO2 emissions of the industry sector. It presents work that enriches the detail of industry sub-sectors decarbonisation pathways and consists in the state of the art in the way these issues are represented in integrated assessment models.
A global multi-regional energy system simulation model was modified to represent detailed bottom-up estimations of materials demand and multiple material production pathways. The new model was used to produce long-term scenarios, with different sets of assumptions on policies, technologies and material demand patterns, projecting material, energy and emissions flows to 2100.
This work identifies opportunities and roadblocks in the decarbonisation of the global hydrogen, steel and cement sectors, including estimates of the feedback of climate policy on their demand, the role of material efficiency measures, recycling, electrification, carbon capture and new energy vectors like hydrogen itself. It provides a wide picture of mitigation options, investment needs and the effects of policy levers that are of interest to both policymakers and investors.

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ID : 993 2479 4017
Code : 003749


On December 15, 2023


Complément lieu

Salle 227

Submitted on December 4, 2023

Updated on December 4, 2023