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Christian Gollier, Toulouse School of Economics


On January 23, 2020

The cost-efficiency carbon pricing puzzle

Le laboraoire GAEL a le plaisir d'accueillir Christian Gollier, directeur de Toulouse School of Economics.

Les recherches de Christian Gollier s'étendent des domaines de l'économie de l'incertain à l'économie de l'environnement en passant par la finance, la consommation, l'assurance et l'analyse des coûts-bénéfices, avec un intérêt particulier pour les effets durables à long terme.

Au cours du sĂ©minaire du 23 janvier 2020, Christian Gollier prĂ©sentera le papier The cost-efficiency carbon pricing puzzle.

Résumé :

Any global temperature target must be translated into an intertemporal carbon budget and its associated cost-efficient carbon price schedule. Under the Hotelling's rule, the growth rate of this price should be equal to the interest rate. It is therefore a puzzle that cost-efficiency IAM models  yield carbon prices that increase at an average real growth rate around 7\% per year. This carbon pricing puzzle suggests that their abatement trajectories are not intertemporally optimized, probably because of the political unacceptability of a high initial carbon price. Using an intertemporal asset pricing approach, I examine the impact on the dynamics of efficient carbon pricing of the uncertainties surrounding economic growth and abatement technologies. I show that marginal abatement costs and aggregate consumption are positively correlated along the optimal abatement path, implying a positive carbon risk premium and an efficient growth rate of expected carbon prices larger than the interest rate. From this numerical exercise, I recommend a growth rate of expected carbon price around 3.75\% per year (plus inflation). I also show that the rigid carbon budget approach to cost-efficiency carbon pricing implies a large uncertainty surrounding the future carbon prices that support this constraint. In this model, green investors are compensated for this risk by a large risk premium embedded in the growth rate of expected carbon prices, not by a collar on carbon prices as often recommended.


On January 23, 2020


Complément lieu

Salle des séminaires 2 - IMAG - 700 avenue Centrale - Saint-Martin-d'Hères

Submitted on October 9, 2023

Updated on October 9, 2023