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Erik Wengtröm, professeur d'Economie comportementale, Université de Lund


On March 9, 2023

Behavioral Policy Targeting: Evidence from Payments for Vaccinations


Erik Wengtröm, professeur d'Economie à l'Université de Lund, est l'invité du séminaire du 9 mars 2023.

Ses thèmes de recherche :

  • microéconomie ;
  • économie comportementale ;
  • prise de décision ;
  • méthodes d'évaluation économique.

Titre de sa présentation : Behavioral Policy Targeting: Evidence from Payments for Vaccinations, co-écrit avec Pol Campos-Mercade, Armando Meier, Florian Schneider, Stephan Meier et Devin Pope.

Résumé : Numerous interventions have been created to promote healthy behaviours like vaccination uptake. Different interventions target different aspects of motivation. For example, while vaccine lotteries exploit financial motivation and risk affinity, many nudges take leverage of people's prosociality. Since people's preferences, such as prosociality and risk attitudes, vary widely, the treatment effects are probably heterogeneous. In this study, we examine the effects of various financial incentives, including fixed payments, donations to charities, and lottery payments, on vaccination uptake and to what degree the treatment effects are heterogeneous. Moreover, we investigate if efficacy can be increased by targeting interventions based on peoples' preferences. Finally, we study if letting people choose their own incentive boosts efficiency. The study, which combines administrative vaccination data and survey data, was conducted in 2022 on a representative sample of 5,349 Swedes.

Le séminaire a lieu en présentiel en salle 227, à 13h30.


On March 9, 2023
Complément date


Submitted on October 9, 2023

Updated on October 9, 2023