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On September 27, 2022
Breaking the “hard-to-abate” bottleneck towards carbon neutrality with clean hydrogen
Attention ! Le séminaire a lieu un mardi !
Exceptionnellement, le prochain séminaire aura lieu un mardi : le 27 septembre 2022, à 13h30.
Nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir Xi Yang, chercheure Ă la Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Son domaine de recherche est l'optimisation des systèmes énergétiques, les énergies renouvelables, la modélisation dynamique et le développement durable mondial.
Ses récents travaux accordent une attention particulière à la chaîne d'approvisionnement mondiale, à l'innovation technologique, aux co-bénéfices sociaux et aux effets secondaires du changement climatique.
Xi Yang a publié plus de 25 articles dans des revues anglophones de haute qualité (Nature Energy, Nature Communications, iScience (Cell Press)) liées à la gouvernance de la durabilité et à la coopération internationale.
Titre de sa présentation : Breaking the “hard-to-abate” bottleneck towards carbon neutrality with clean hydrogen
Global south countries such as China are facing a bottleneck in their paths to carbon neutrality: abating emissions in heavy industries and heavy-duty transport. There are few in-depth studies of the prospective role of clean hydrogen in these “hard-to-abate” (HTA) sectors. An integrated dynamic least-cost modeling analysis is carried out. Results show that, first, clean hydrogen can be both a major energy carrier and feedstock that can significantly reduce carbon emissions of heavy industry. It can also fuel up to 50% of China’s heavy-duty truck and bus fleets by 2060, and significant shares of shipping. Second, a realistic clean hydrogen scenario that reaches 65.7 Mt of production in 2060 could avoid $1.72 trillion of new investment compared to a no-hydrogen scenario. This study provides strong evidence of the value of clean hydrogen in HTA sectors for China and countries facing similar challenges in reducing emissions to achieve net zero goals. During this seminar, the energy system modeling approach considering social impacts toward a net-zero target in other Asia countries such as India, Japan, and Central Asian Countries will also be discussed.
Le séminaire aura lieu au GAEL, en salle 227 (2e étage du BATEG), nous vous attendons nombreux !
Salle 227
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