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Haikel Khalfallah


Assistant Professor

Université Grenoble Alpes

Email: (haikel[dot]khalfallah[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Phone: +33 4 76 74 29 55

Office: 222 (BATEG)


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Research interests

- Regulation of network industries (electricity and gas)

- Energy markets and liberalization

- Integration of renewable energies and Super Grid

Present research

Haikel Khalfallah has been a lecturer at the Pierre Mendès-France University (UFR d'Economie) since 2012.

His research focuses on economic models and the regulatory framework allowing the sustainable integration of renewable energies from  Europe but also produced outside european borders.

He also works on Smart Grid issues with a particular focus on the instruments for activating electrical demand and their efficiency in terms of consumption.

Academic background

He holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Lyon II.

Title: Theoretical and experimental study of the incentive mechanisms for investments in the electricity markets: Short-term and long-term analysis of the players' strategies, 2009, available on TEL


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Submitted on December 11, 2023

Updated on February 12, 2024